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Posted in Energy Management

Our engineering team sees a lot of energy myths and we are ready to set the record straight. The first energy myth we want to debunk is whether or not it saves energy to on run your Air Conditioning when you need it. This is true! It takes less power to let the heat rise and turn on the AC to lower the temperature when you need it cooler. For example, if you are going to be gone during the day for work, you should set your AC at a high temperature and then turn it back down when you get home.


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Posted in Mechanical Equipment

Olympic athletes work hard to achieve their gold medal dreams. With their goal in sight, they prepare themselves to be the best in the world.

While we are not all Olympic athletes, why would you strive for anything less than the best? You should prepare yourself and your facility to be the absolute best it can be.

BCS can help you outfit your building with HVAC equipment that is up to Olympic standards. We go for the gold.

Gold Metal

AAON wins the facility equipment medal in reputation, ease of maintenance, efficiency, and longevity.
prod 3 aaon

    • Variable capacity technologies minimize utility costs
    • AAON’s reliable products reduce the need for day to day maintenance. When maintenance is required, the user can easily access components through hinged access doors
    • The highly configurable units provide a system-wide approach to each building’s exact needs
    • Built for stamina with high quality design and manufacturing processes, AAON’s equipment life far exceeds other manufacturers’

Winning gold in innovation and comfort, LG Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems give building owners more zoning options and allows the choice to heat or cool to be easily made by each occupant for each zone. This modular design results in superior comfort, energy savings and style.


    • The need for large distribution ducts is eliminated
    • The use of inverter compressors, specially designed heat exchangers, and refrigerant phase isolation minimizes energy consumption to levels previously unattainable by other HVAC systems
    • VRF easily facilitates zoning to keep all occupants comfortable
    • Indoor units have a wide range of sleek styles to fit any interior design in a variety of applications and are quiet to accommodate any indoor environment

Now that’s a 10 out of 10! “The Olympics remain the most compelling search for excellence that exists in sport, and maybe in life itself.” Dawn Fraser (Australian swimmer, 3-time winner at the Olympics)

Don’t settle for second with your customer’s facility, go for gold and partner with BCS. We will provide you with equipment that is built like an Olympian


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Posted in Ken’s Metaphors for Success

It’s Metaphor Monday!

This is a hot button with me. In our fast paced world of increasingly tighter deadlines, higher Customer expectations, and constantly evolving standards for correspondence, there is one trait that trumps all others if you truly want to succeed… communication!

In talking with vendors, contractors, support staff, or employees, I am pretty patient with someone being behind schedule, with a delivery problem, or someone having an occasional personal issue, as long as they talk to me.  Not doing so, is simply not an option if you aspire to higher levels.

When establishing rules of engagement between team members, or customers, in today’s world of multimedia, always ask, “How do you prefer that I communicate with you?”.  Those nine words will save you countless hours of needless frustration.

Here’s Ken’s Metaphor for Success #4:

My maternal Grandfather Wycoff was a School Administrator and an English Teacher.  One of his prized sayings was “there are numerous reasons in our world to be poor, however there is absolutely no reason to sound that way”.  I believe it wholeheartedly.  Much of my success can be attributed to effective correspondence, whether speaking to groups, or writing letters and memos, no question.  Prompt return correspondence is the remaining piece of the Communication puzzle.  People gradually lose respect for those that don’t communicate well.  Extraordinary communicators usually go on to do great things.

Kens Metaphors

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Become an expert in building intelligence. Save money by lowering the total cost of ownership of your facility equipment. Sign up to receive helpful tips, tricks, and insights to facility management from people who’ve dealt with it all.