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Posted in Facility Budgeting

All building operations rely on well-planned policies and procedures to ensure efficient ongoing service. Each operation is unique due to what the business focus is, and all building operations must maintain clear, particular guidelines. Keep these tips in mind when planning for building operational efficiency.

Working With Multiple Parties to Maximize Building Operations Efficiency

  1. During building design phases, plan for ease of operation.
  2. Use qualified service providers to maintain and recommend the best design and equipment.
  3. Ask for advice when needed.
  4. Write and maintain up-to-date operational polices.
  5. Practice regular fire and safety assessments.
  6. Notify all departments and employees of all updates and assessments.
  7. Keep all equipment serviced and up-to-date.
  8. Maintain communication between all departments at all times in case of emergency.
  9. Make sure to schedule time effectively.
  10. Practice fire drills and emergency prevention with all departments.

Remember, safety is essential for building operational efficiency, because maintaining a safe, uncluttered environment in a business setting will allow employees to work without obstruction and saves overall time. Use of time is important in operational efficiency because a waste of time equals loss of production, profits, and income. Design is important for overall efficiency to minimize injury while maximizing space usage and production.

For more information about how your business facility can benefit from operational efficiency and increase production, be sure to contact us today to make your facility runs smoothly and at peak performance.

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Posted in Energy Management

Are you a commercial building owner looking to improve the efficiency of your facility while reducing operating costs? Retro-commissioning may be the answer for resolving aging building system problems and keeping occupants comfortable and complaint-free.

What is Retro-Commissioning?

Retro-commissioning is a systematic evaluation of a building’s energy-consuming systems. Since commercial buildings have complex mechanical, electrical, and control systems, even small problems can cause big issues with a system’s performance. During a retro-commissioning evaluation, trained professionals find problem areas with a building’s existing equipment and systems. The building owner then works with these professionals to develop a plan to improve efficiency and performance.

Depending on the building’s needs, retro-commissioning may address some of the following:

  • HVAC loose fan belts and leaking valves
  • Thermostats and sensors that are out of calibration
  • Equipment or lighting running at inappropriate times
  • Incorrectly functioning control sequences
  • Systems simultaneously heating and cooling
  • Air balancing systems running ineffectively

When Should You Consider Retro-Commissioning?

  • Experiencing issues with your building systems’ performance: Has there been a recent unexpected increase in building energy use? You’ll definitely notice it in your costs!
  • Comfort complaints from occupants: Has there been an increase in complaints about air quality or temperature control?
  • Recent facility updates: Has the building’s needs changed due to new occupants or remodeling to the facility?

Retro-commissioning benefits everyone associated with your building. Occupants find the environment more comfortable and receptive to their needs, building managers get fewer complaints while gaining a better understanding of your building, and your building systems will run more efficiently, giving you peace of mind while saving money.

Worried retro-commissioning is too expensive? Some of the suggested improvements may be inexpensive fixes and lead to big energy savings. Even with bigger projects, the return on investment from energy savings could come in as little as a year or two. Studies suggest a retro-commissioning project can yield energy savings up to 15 percent.

Performance Solutions’ industry experts have saved clients over millions of dollars in operating costs. If you are interested in learning how retro-commissioning can benefit you and your facility, contact us today.

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Posted in Energy Efficiency

Colder weather is approaching, and with it comes a host of potential problems for building owners, like frozen pipes, cold air-leaking doors and windows, and ineffective heating systems. Help prepare your building for winter by taking a look at the following areas.

Winterize Your Building and Save Money

Temperature Control

When temperatures drop below freezing, pipes could freeze and burst in an improperly heated building. While it seems logical to simply set a thermostat just above freezing at 32 degrees, remember that not all parts of your building will reach that temperature. There is bound to be an area that the heat just won’t reach, so it’s necessary to keep the building thermostat set to a temperature just high enough to keep the coldest part of your building above freezing. For older buildings, you may find that this temperature is between 56-58 degrees, while in newer buildings, you may be able to go as low as 50 degrees. With automatic temperature control systems, this can all be regulated and can save you money on your heating bills. It will also prevent any freezing and water damage that will need to be repaired later.

Building Automation

Because running HVAC systems are often a large expense for building owners, it is helpful to monitor and control the HVAC systems within your building to avoid any unnecessary usage. With building automation, you can conserve energy to operate a cost-effective building that is comfortable for all inhabitants.

Mechanical Systems

Using equipment that is old, dirty, or starting to fall into disrepair can be a huge drain on your budget, since bad equipment runs inefficiently. Have all your HVAC components maintained regularly to make sure they are running as resourcefully as possible. With regular maintenance, you can quickly and easily find the problem areas and repair or replace anything that is working poorly.

For more information on how to winterize your building and save money, contact us.

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Posted in Energy Management

Preventative maintenance is necessary in many industries, and it is particularly necessary for commercial equipment and buildings. Although they are initial investments of costs and time, the benefits of preventative building maintenance are huge and can have far-rippling impacts on many operations down the line. These benefits include:

  • Small problems get caught in the early stages. This prevents larger, more costly repairs later. In the long run, preventative maintenance costs less.
  • Maintenance becomes scheduled, instead of being performed at unplanned, higher rates and costs. Costs vary by industry, but unplanned downtime is often extremely expensive. Resources already committed to production get wasted when these unexpected costs pop up.
  • Everyday planning for the organization becomes more accurate and precise. Cost estimates more accurately reflect reality.
  • These improved cost estimates allow better planning in all business areas.
  • Staying on top of your assets and equipment and running better and more to plan fosters a responsible, productive attitude from your employees. All organizations have cultures. Attitudes start at the top and filter down. Better control of equipment maintenance and downtime makes for employees more cognizant of their roles in the process.
  • Lastly, and most importantly, safety is a primary concern in all industries. Preventative maintenance keeps equipment in better shape. It catches problems that would otherwise have gone unnoticed. It keeps small problems from becoming large and allows safer operation. Consequentially, employees respond to this increased focus on safety by becoming safer themselves.

With solid preventative building maintenance, you adopt a proactive attitude with plan and control, rather than a reactive attitude. We can help you develop this by analyzing and building business plans that are comprehensive and accurate. Preventative maintenance is a big part of many parts of any business plan. For more information about how Performance Solutions can help guide your organization into the uncertain future, contact us today.

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Posted in Energy Efficiency

When school is in session, universities will see their power bills shoot up. It’s simple math; more students using more energy means a higher overhead while classrooms are full and a semester is in full swing. That cost goes up even higher when the temperature drops, and the heating system must turn on. But what if you could trim down your energy use (and utility costs!) without cutting any services to your students and faculty? Follow these tips to minimize energy use.

5 Energy Saving Tips for Universities

Tip #1: Sleep, Shut Down, and Turn Off

There are a lot of electronic devices running on your campus at any given time, but there’s no reason to leave them running if no one is using them. From classrooms to computer labs, make sure lights are off, and devices are powered down when not in use. For maximum savings, consider installing timers on lights and computers to make sure they turn themselves off or go to sleep if they haven’t been in use for an extended time period.

Tip #2: Programmable Thermostats and Automated HVAC

Heating and air conditioning are important when it comes to your campus, but you get the best results if you can program the thermostat to automate itself. For instance, if classes don’t start till eight in the morning, there’s no reason to leave the heating or air conditioning running high all night long. A programmable thermostat allows you to get the building ready for the day, but without wasting energy to run your HVAC system all day, every day.

Tip #3: LEDs Make a Big Difference

If your university still uses old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs, it’s time for an update. While fluorescent bulbs are more efficient, and last longer, LED bulbs are the best investment you can make. On a campus-wide scale, they will last longer, and use a fraction of the power that incandescent bulbs use. This is an investment that pays for itself and allows you to boast additional green credentials as a campus.

Tip #4: Promote Paperless Efforts

Going paperless is often touted as saving trees, but it can also save energy overall. Using email instead of post, or instead of a fax, can be done quickly, and efficiently. Not only that, but the less often printers, scanners, and other peripheral devices run, the more power you save.

Tip #5: Put Someone on Energy Conservation

If you really want to keep saving energy, you need to have someone on staff whose job is to make sure you’re being as efficient as you can be. Saving energy is an ongoing job, and it requires constant, dedicated effort.

For more tips on how your university can save more energy, contact us today!

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Posted in Energy Management

HVAC maintenance and repair is a completely different animal whenever working with large event centers or facilities. A maintenance solution that specializes in large facilities can help you find the best HVAC repair solutions while strategizing for the following in mind.


When it’s relevant, a simple data analysis can be applied to help determine how energy efficient and energy effective your system is. Even if your system is broken, a quality assessment can be part of that repair, and it can help you optimize your future heating and cooling. An assessment can provide useful data that can be turned around and translated into practical changes. Improved insulation, upgrading your ventilation, or shifting gears to a new HVAC system are all the types of suggestions that experts may guide you through in your journey to not just fix your heating and cooling, but make it better.

Save Money, Save Energy

The end-goal in those HVAC updates and repairs should be to help create a more sustainable heating and cooling system for your event center or large corporate facility. When things are on such a grand scale, a little can go a long way. Small changes that save you money on your heating and cooling every day can translate into big bucks over time. On top of that, the energy that you’re saving is conserving precious resources and creating a far more environmentally sustainable business system.

We provide specialists that can help you strategize for the best HVAC repair solutions and for any other energy-saving opportunities that you may be missing for your facility. Contact us at Performance Solutions today to learn more!

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Posted in Preventative Maintenance

Storage areas used by businesses tend to gather a lot of documents and old objects – things that cannot be thrown away but aren’t necessarily of much value in the day-to-day operation of the business. These items may stay in storage for years, even decades, before they are disposed. The temperature and relative humidity at which they are stored can have a huge impact on how well they weather their time in storage.

Maintaining Your Long Term Storage with Climate Control


Higher temperatures increase the rate at which most stored objects begin to degrade. According to the North East Document Conservation Center (NEDCC), temperatures no higher than 70°F should be maintained in storage areas in which documents are kept in order to reduce deterioration.


The NEDCC also suggests that relative humidity remains between 30 and 50%, with emphasis placed on lower humidity levels. High levels of relative humidity can damage paper, textiles, wood and other objects over time.


Fluctuations in temperature and humidity cause natural materials to expand and contract. Over time, this natural process can cause lasting damage to your archive. Because maintaining optimal temperatures is important. Installing a separate commercial climate-controlled system is the best way to ensure that you maintain appropriate temperature and relative humidity levels in your storage area.

We have been providing customizable HVAC solutions to businesses since 1985 and can help you create a custom-designed, high quality and efficient climate control system for your storage area or any building room. Contact us to learn more about customizable temperature and humidity control solutions for your long-term storage.

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Posted in Energy Management

The staff members of a given organization strongly influence the amount of energy that the organization uses. It takes quite a bit of energy to make a building usable by a wide range of individuals doing various jobs. As staff members wash their hands, turn on lights in the building and go about their work day or night, they will no doubt consume energy.

Many companies now use automation to ensure their employees use resources responsibly. They will install motion sensors and set up lights to turn off automatically when a room is empty. Many bathroom and kitchen sinks are now designed to have low water flow that will still stop relatively quickly. Although the utility technology helps, staff training should revolve around the responsible use of water and electricity. Too many employees act as if they can use as much water as possible when they’re at work because they’re not paying for it personally. Training employees in sustainability can make a big difference, not only on the environment, but especially on a company’s building operations budget.

Encourage staff to conserve energy by being conscious of the performance of various systems within a given workplace. For instance, if there’s something wrong with the heating or air conditioning system in a workplace, it’s important to notify someone to get it fixed quickly; otherwise, the long-term repairs and potential dangers could be even more costly. Defective systems can be inefficient in terms of their energy usage. Staff members that are more aware of these sorts of problems will often be able to prevent further serious issues. Everyone should be thinking about the details as well as the big picture.

For more information on building automation, performance, and how to train staff to be a more resource-responsible team member, contact us.

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